Luca von Lucerne
Baby Luca is a most special little lamb! He is around 7 months old and everyone is his friend. He has an innocence that is disarming. His tail wags non-stop! One day a few weeks ago far, far away, he decided to go for a walk down a sidewalk. He saw a storefront door open and he just walked right in and started to play with the store owner's dogs. The store owner was mesmerized, charmed, and simply couldn't take him to a high-kill shelter, so a networking plea started. We saw him and knew in a heartbeat he was meant for Westside. A wonderful foster took him in the same day he came to us, and he presently is living with 4 cats, whom he ignores, and 2 dogs with whom he loves to play. He sleeps through the night and is house-broken thus far. No doubt about it: To meet Luca is to love him. |
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